I've Been MIA

Hey… remember me? It’s been almost 6 months since I last posted anything and I could make excuses but here’s the real deal: I was lazy, uninspired, then life got busy. We all know that 2020 was for the birds and my 2020 was definitely for the birds. I can’t say it was the worst year of my life but I can’t say it was the best, ya know? There was only a two-week period of time where I actually got a break from work and school, so the blog moved down my priority list. If you’re new here, hi, my name is Tyler and last summer I had the bright idea to go back to school to get a Master’s in Special Education Teaching. Grad school, much like 2020, is for the birds but nonetheless we are now in the second semester of the program and ya girl has a 4.0 GPA.

I almost feel like I should re-introduce myself because so much has changed. Not to harp on all that happened last year, but I really did learn a lot about myself and had a chance to do some personal development. I’ll be 27 next month (whaaat?!) and my life isn’t perfect but I know that I’m right where I should be. I work full-time as a special education teacher, I am a full-time grad student, and I’m surrounded by so much love and support. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and a circle of people who always make sure I’m good. Though it was really difficult sometimes, I spent a good portion of last year learning to fill the gaps between who I was, who I am, and who I want to be. It’s an ongoing process and I’m learning as I go. I’ve had to set boundaries, recognize my flaws, learn to say no, release some things and people, and surrender to what God is trying to do in my life. My main goal for this year is focusing less on what I want to do and more on how I want to feel. I still have tangible and concrete goals, but I really want to prioritize my mental health. More on that in another blog…

So what’s new? I’m currently recovering from surgery which has been far from fun but it’s given me some time to relax. I really need to watch what I ask for… when I said it would be nice to just lay in bed for a couple days, this isn’t exactly what I imagined but here I am. The spring semester for grad school started last week and I’m already over it but I’m counting down the days until I never ever have to go to school again. As I mentioned, I turn 27 next month and my only plan is to be looking at a beach not thinking about work or school. Last year I got to celebrate my birthday right before quarantine and stay at home orders were implemented, so this year I guess it’s my turn to have a birthday in the living room. I did end the year traveling (safely) but I’ve been at home for a while in recovery. My birthday present to myself is a passport… whether or not I’ll actually get to use it anytime soon is a different story but at least I’ll be ready.

Most importantly, I’m happy. There are 100 things I could complain about but at the end of the day I’m good. Notice I didn’t say perfect - there’s definitely days where everything falls apart and I want to cry, but I’m learning to appreciate every single day. I wanted to step into this year with a heart of gratitude, so two of my friends and I share at least one thing we’re grateful for every single day. I love hearing the highlights of their day and sharing mine helps to hold me accountable. One of my favorite sayings is “every day may not be a good day, but there’s something good in every day”. When I was younger my mom used to pick me up from school and ask how my day was, and right after she’d ask, “did you make anyone smile today?” It only costs your time to make someone’s day a little better so I’m trying to do more of that… and I know we could all use some extra love these days.

So what’s next? The blogger is back, for real this time. There’s so much that has happened in the last few months and I can’t wait to share them. I’ve had a few requests to talk about specific topics like traveling, dating (which is ghetto, but we’ll get through it), how to manage anxiety, and so much more. I’m no expert on any of these topics so take what I say with a grain of salt and just know that I always end my advice with “but I don’t know though” just in case it doesn’t work out for you. As always, thank you for reading my blog! You could be spending your time doing anything in the world and you decided to hang out with me for a little bit - you are appreciated. I’m off to do homework but I’ll be back on here soon, we have so much to talk about! Until next time… wash your hands, be nice, and stop asking people “wyd” every hour.

All My Love,


“…and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: you should mind your own business…” 1 Thess. 4:11 NIV